Buy Now On Credit/Instalments/Lay-Buy


  • With Payflex, you can either choose the instalment option or you can choose direct, Credit or Debit card payments.  


  • Interest FREE
  • Click HERE to register or follow the following steps:



To Order with MobiCred, please follow the following process: 
  1. Click on the Product you would like to order.
  2. Choose the colour.
  3. Click On "Buy Now"
  4. You will then be redirected through to your cart, where you can add more products by choosing "continue shopping" or if you are done, you can click on "Complete Your Order"
  5. You will now be redirected to the information and ordering page where you can insert all your information. Once information is completed,
  6. Choose your shipping method for collection or delivery. 
  7. You can now scroll down to the Payment options. 
  8. You will choose the "Payfast" payment option.
  9. Scroll down and click on "Pay Now"
  10. You will now be redirected to the Payfast Pagate portal where you can choose the MobiCred Option. (last option on the list)
  11. Once you have selected Mobicred, you will insert your Mobicred Username and Password and log in to your Mobicred account for Payment. 
  12. The payment will then process with Mobicred and your order will be received by us. 
  13. We will now process your order for delivery/collection.

Lay-Buy Facility:

Lay-By can be requested via
Information required:
  • Full Name and Surname
  • Physical/Delivery Address
  • Contact number
  • Lay-By installment period (2 to 6 months/monthly)
  • Product/s required for Lay-By Purchase
  • 10% Storage and Admin Fee Applicable


Other Payment Options Via Payfast :